Ricas Way

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More than 30 years of excellence in pastries

Bageland's journey began in 1982, and in 1989, one of the partners acquired the Bageland brand under Opelle LLC. Initially, Bageland focused on producing the 4oz bagel, but over the years, it expanded its offerings with various formulas.

By 2000, Bageland had increased its production to 5,000 pounds per day. Today, our production capacity has soared to an impressive 20,000 pounds per day, reflecting our commitment to growth and excellence in crafting high-quality bagels.
Our story commences with the Del Rio Family's founding of an artisan bakery in Miami. Hailing from Panama, the Del Rio family christened the company "Panapastry". Before long, our dedication to quality earned us the title of "the neighborhood's top bakery".
We have always worked with our customers’ needs in mind, which led us to make the decision to become a specialized bakery for frozen products, including the addition of empanadas to our product portfolio.
Did you know?
The origin of empanadas traces back to ancient Mesopotamia, making them nearly as old as bread itself. They were introduced to Europe by the Moors, who carried them in their saddlebags. Empanadas were considered a convenient snack as they could be cooked and preserved for several days. It was the Spaniards who brought empanadas to the Americas, where new variations in preparation emerged. Among them, the Argentinians played a pivotal role in elevating empanadas to a symbol of their culinary culture, making them a beloved dish second only to the traditional asado.
We have not stopped evolving, introducing improvements and innovations in our production process to guarantee the quality of our products, while continuing to expand our product portfolio to include the tequeño, a traditional Venezuelan delicacy.
Did you know?
Have you ever wondered about the origin of tequeños? Legend has it that in the late 14th century, a cook in the city of Los Teques (known as a getaway destination in Venezuela) created a cylindrical-shaped snack using leftover dough from the area's typical cakes, stuffed with white cheese. Its popularity quickly spread, reaching the capital city of Caracas. Today, tequeños are a beloved classic at various celebrations and gatherings.
The company is acquired by food specialist entrepreneurs from Argentina, who eagerly take on new growth challenges. With a clear strategic vision of the market and an unwavering commitment to customer and consumer satisfaction, they embark on this journey with determination. Under their ownership, the brand "Rica's Way" is born, reflecting their dedication to excellence and innovation.
In 2024, our company acquired O'Pelle Enterprises, seamlessly integrating their diverse product portfolio and expertise into our already thriving line of successful products. With 30 years of history in the United States, O'Pelle Enterprises specializes in the production of frozen bagels, under the brand Bageland, rolls and breads.
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